Ive been playing since the US launch and I have to say I am constantly impressed with how much you can do with this game without needing to drop cash. There are plenty, frequent opportunities to earn Jewels--from quests, events, and from daily log-in bonuses--so you never really need to pay unless youre impatient or find yourself REALLY wanting a certain avatar board (or want to show your appreciation to the developers). On top of having the ability to customize your avatar, there are frequent events released that help with leveling up medals, reward event medals and avatar boards, earning jewels, or reducing AP costs (so users can enjoy playing without having to wait hours to recover AP). There are numerous opportunities this game provides to keep you interested and involved. My advice is that you join a team and find a good, relatively active one as shared assist medals will often play a substantial part in helping F2P users clear certain story missions. Overall, things run smoothly and are kept up-to-date very well. Months into playing this game and I still find myself coming back to it and still enjoying playing. If youre a fan of the Kingdom hearts series and are looking for a KH game you can play at a casual pace definitely give this app a go. It offers so much at no cost to users so really, whats stopping you?