I want to start off this review by explaining how much fun I continue to have with this game (and I would rate this game 3.5 stars instead of just 3). Aside from its repetitiveness in the early to mid quests, the game really draws you in easily with the whole way the medals system and key blade upgrades. Its not too difficult or tiresome to play when you first start, and when you continue on to play you feel like its worth it. As I have gotten to higher levels, upgrading my avatar boards as well as my medals and key blades, I found myself becoming more eager to have better medals and better upgrades on my key blade. This is where the red flag started raising itself to me, this game lets you venture far enough to get very reeled into the game, only to have you at a standstill on whether or not you should start using money on it. I so far have spent 30 dollars and that is the max I will pay because I feel like that is how much this game is worth (free to play apps are never really free with in app purchases, so I like to see it as you pay as much as you think the game is worth). Another question that started to pop up is if the game was even worth playing anymore, this was because I noticed such a big gap in how long it takes you to get in game items VS spending money to get these in game items. The whole $15 a week thing for the events and specials is such a blow off, if you do indeed want to keep up with the most newest medals, deals, and be able to upgrade a lot more, youd have to pay $15 a week, which to me, sounds like bs. I feel as though Im getting ripped off at that point, especially if they have some events that are unlocked on weekends anyway. Maybe if they lowered the price or had the events unlocked longer, it would be worth it. Adding to that as well, some events and specials are unable to be done even if you unlock them, this is due to not having powerful enough medals or key blades, which isnt technically fair at all for the player who just spent $15 to unlock them, even with buying new 5 or 6 star medals with the jewels you get (3000 jewels). I really like this game, I just wish it wasnt such a cash grab. I mean yeah I know companies need a way to make a good profit, but seeing how much time and effort I put in this game, it doesnt seem like that helps with getting me the same in game items I could get with just buying jewels right away.
Looooooder about KINGDOM HEARTS Uχ Dark Road, v1.1.4