You know why your here. Probably for the same reason I checked the comments section.
If youre over 30 like me, then youre probably a fan of ninja turtles, played Final Fantasy 7, and seen almost all the classic Disney movies.
A couple tips when playing:
Of the 4 Keyblades, you will want to upgrade Treasure Trove, Lady Luck, and 3 Wishes. You are only able to find 9 orichalcum in the entire story line. And need 3 to fully max out a keyblade.
3wishes is all magic multipliers (blue), Treasure Trove is all damage multiplier (red), and Lady Luck is all speed (green).
You will have no problem changing to a bosses weak element and plugging him with critical damage.
Use your Avatar tokens methodically. Do not spend them on unlocking the costume itself, but rather Cost and AP nodes within the costume. If by happenstance you unlock a main component of costume while in strict pursuit of AP and COST, then its a bonus.
This is important because COST raises your KeyBlade Medal Power capacity and allows you to equip more advanced level medals without going over equipment
One Level 6 medal is 46 Cost, which is a lot... So if you want multiple 6star medals, unlock those COST nodes
AP nodes are probably more important earlier on... They are like your "energy" thats required to play every stage (except initial raid boss appearances).
Get your AP up as soon as possible, the reason why is because it costs 100 jewels to restore it to full. The game doesnt care if youre fully restoring 20AP or 98AP ... Its always 100 jewels.
Youre hurting yourself if youre habitually spending 100 jewels to fully restore your 20-50AP... In fact, they hope you act cavalier with your Jewels, so you end up buying them with real money....
Dont fall for it... Get that AP up, reserve those jewels for Later in the game when you have 1,500-3,000 acquired for free from a week of daily log I a and story mode progression.
Lastly, until you know what youre doing focus on setting aside atleast 5-6 medals of Stitch (speed), Waka or Paine (damage), and Yuna (magic). They are remarkably tough when buffed, and theyre farmable story medals.
My stitch is able to deal 15,000 DMG after an Atk up buff. Hes a boss ender
In conclusion,
1. Level only 3wishes, treasure trove, and Lady Luck.
2. Level your AP and COST nodes, dont go out of your way for costume unlocks... Stick to AP and COST specific nose paths.
3. Stitch, Yuna, Wakka/Paine are the main medals you should comit to.. Their final form with guilt(guilt comes after stage 200) averages 10-16k damage... Its ridiculous.
Good luck.
Dookie shoe about KINGDOM HEARTS Uχ Dark Road